Word is blog
A gem of an interview from Psychodelic Horseshit
The lead singer in the Columbus band called Psychedelic Horseshit is interviewed in the washington post, and there are so many funny (and completely correct) quotes in this intervew I have to post it here. While their music isn’t for everybody, this interview is, and you don’t even have to know anything about them to appreciate it. I wish more hip-hop people would do interviews like this. Shit, maybe I might when my next album comes out.
The Last So What Wednesday
If you live in Columbus then you probably know that I’ve been a part of a weekly hip-hop night called So What Wednesdays for about 2 and a half years. It goes down every week at Cafe Bourbon Street. The night was created and named in remembrance of our dude Daymon Dodson (aka So What) and we have held it down for a while hopefully in the spirit of what he was about.
My agenda
Just wanted to clear this up before anybody out there got the wrong idea.
I didn’t go to SXSW
sue me.
i was in limbo, and was like nah brah, i’mma chill at the crib. what i look like the guy who’s last record is 4 years old and whose new record doesnt have a release date, hoppin on stage feeling optimistic about shit like he unsigned hype from when the source meant something, feel me?
but i do have fond memories of it. first time i ever went was the 2nd or 3rd soul position show ever. we opened up for mr. len.
Why dudes dress bad
It’s not because they’re bad people who think fashion is for sissies.
It’s not because they’re too lazy to really know what’s hot, or what people like.
It’s not because they try too hard to impress everybody and end up impressing nobody.
Mike Tyson Documentary coming soon
Anybody who knows me know’s that I consider Mike Tyson one of the most entertaining people on the planet. Well, apparently there is a documentary coming out soon about his life, that I will be at the first day it comes out.
How many days a week do you drink?
I’m curious.
Random thoughts about condoms
In high school, I had a friend that referred to Lifestyle condoms as “L styles”. So I did too. Ever since then when I walk into a store and see Lifestyle condoms I have fond memories of high school and usually buy them, even though I think trojan condoms are far superior. I even refer to them as “L Styles” sometimes but nobody else understands what I’m talking about.
Every now and then, when I’m single I’ll put one in my wallet before i go out. Not because i actually think I’m gonna get laid, but because I think having one in my wallet gives me a positive mental attitude about things…a weird optimism about all things in life takes over and I walk around with a “can do” attitude the rest of the night no matter what happens.
I find it sexy when a woman isn’t afraid to admit she has condoms. Whether that be at her house or in her purse. I think it implies confidence.
I think its funny that most women who actually do have condoms have brands that men would never choose; weird ass colors or patterns, circular packaging, glow in the dark neon joints, etc. Most dudes stay loyal to one or two brands pretty much. Women get way more funky with it.
I’ve noticed that some women feel weird if you say you’ve got condoms before you’re completely naked. Any sooner and they feel like you’re assuming you’re getting some, which never turns out well. As a result, I think things go better when a woman asks, but honestly all things related to sex go better when a woman asks, so I guess that makes perfect sense.
I once dated a girl who absolutely refused to keep condoms in her house. We dated a year and still no condoms. So we would have to leave her house in the middle of the night and go to some corner store to buy them whenever I spent the night. That shit completely ruined the moment if I had to go get them by myself, but if she went with me it felt like we were on an espionage mission. I never completely understood it, but im guessing that she didn’t want me to assume she was gonna put out.
The worst sex I ever had in my adult life was when a friend lent me a Magnum condom. Between the anxiety of having sex with this chick for the first time, and being worried that the condom was entirely too big for me–I’m pretty sure that she remembers me as the worst lover ever. I’ve tried to forget that experience.
This is some strange shit to blog about but i swear these thoughts were on my mind when i woke up this morning. Safe sex yall.
Word is blog
The Return of D’Angelo?
The other day while I found myself trapped in the depths of Youtube, I stumbled upon some random D’Angelo recordings that had been posted, most of which had very few listens, and all seemed to show up between spring and fall of 2008.
If the shoe doesn’t fit then don’t wear it
To all the women who feel like I was talking about them in my last post, even if NONE of the shit in there applied to them–RELAX. Don’t take yourself or this blog so seriously.
Have a good day.
Top Ten Reasons Why 21-23 Year Old Women Suck
1. They never live alone
A Great Blog To Check Out
It’s All Your Fault
So I went out tonight to Ladies 80’s.
Yeah, i know what you’re thinking; “print you soft…how you gonna go to Ladies 80’s night, I thought you were a real rapper?” Well, you know what? Fuck yall and fuck all that rapper shit. I’m a fuckin man. I have a penis, and i like vagina. Nothing wrong with that. I’ve lived in Columbus the past 5 years and I’ve never seen more fine ass women than in that spot tonight. It was one of those nights where everything magically comes together, and you just happen to be there, nahmeen? Where the weather goes from 35 degrees to 65 degrees, and you just gotta bask in that shit and enjoy it. Hell, as i was headed to the spot i knew it was gonna be on by how many fine chicks i saw walking to the spot looking good as i tried to find my parking space. But i digress.
Face Lift
Yeah, had to give the blog a little facelift. Yall thought I was gonna rock the basic layout forever, huh? We do these things. Still working on it.
Word is Blog.
Pictures from my “Keep Bouncing” Video Shoot
I shot a music video for a song off my upcoming album called “keep bouncing” a couple months ago. Since the song is pretty much about the dumb shit that goes through your mind when you’re drunk and bouncing around from bar to bar, I figured it was only right that I shot it at some local Columbus bars.