• Podcast

    The Most Overused Words in Hip-Hop

    While it’s fair to assume that mainstream rap artists don’t have the widest vocabulary in hip-hop, nothing could prepare us for the results of a new study that was just published on the topic. A new study compares the vocabulary of hundreds of rappers and breaks down which words are used the most in hip-hop. The results will probably surprise you about as much as they surprised us. In this episode of the most infamous podcast, we discuss the results of this list and what we would like to see changed about it.

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  • Podcast

    The Pitfalls of Promotion

    What does it take to throw a successful live event? As artists who came up in an era where we had to book our own venues and promote the majority of our own events, we’ve had our fair share of successes and failures in this department. In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth we share the ten lessons we learned and explain what the common mistakes are so you can avoid them. That way you can get more people in the door and not lose your pants. Word!

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  • Podcast

    The Downside of Success

    Although we often have conversations about what it takes to be successful, very rarely do we speak about what happens once you get there. The common belief is that success is a completely positive experience, but those who have had any level of success have seen that isn’t the case. In this episode, we speak about ten bad things that come along with success that nobody will tell you when you’re trying to make a name for yourself and fighting your way to the top of your field.

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  • Blog

    Five More Rap Performance Cliches

    Two weeks ago the most infamous podcast dropped an episode called “The Worst Rap Performance Cliches” where we broke down all the things rappers do on stage that used to be dope but need to be put to rest. Since that episode we realized that we forgot a few more really important ones. So we’re doubling back and laying the smack down on five more cliches that rappers need to put out to pasture because we wouldn’t be the most infamous podcast on planet earth if we didn’t. Bang!

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  • Podcast

    The Biggest Mistakes in Building a Team

    One of the most important factors in being successful is surrounding yourself with people who can help you accomplish your dream. Building a strong team isn’t easy, but there is no limit to what you can accomplish with the right people in place. While we are no experts on this topic, we do have some valuable information about the mistakes we made along the way. These tips will save you a lot of time, energy, and most importantly a lot of money. Shout out to Flawed Logic on Twitter for the inspiration. Let’s go!

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  • Blog

    King No Crown Film Tour – Minneapolis, MN Recap

    Me and Kathy Averill (Eyedea’s Mother) outside the Parkway theater before the King No Crown screening

    If there were an American city I’ve played in during my music career more than my hometown of Columbus, OH it would have to be Minneapolis, MN. My first time here was when my group Greenhouse Effect and Illogic made the drive out to play at Brother Ali’s Rites of Passage cassette tape release, which was back in the year 2000, if I remember correctly. Since that time, I’ve been here more than I can remember. From playing shows, to starting and ending tours here, to visiting friends and even dating women here–it’s been like a home away from home. So it should come as no surprise that I was very much looking forward to screening my King No Crown movie in Minneapolis and felt it was one of the cities I had to bring it to.

  • Blog

    Sioux Falls, SD – King No Crown Film Tour Recap

    In my quest to learn more about filmmaking, I’ve watched countless hours of video interviews from filmmakers. For the most part, these interviews have been about the technical aspects of filmmaking (shot composition, story telling, etc.), but there are also a good amount of interviews that are about the journey of these filmmakers and their mindset. I’ve always believed that having the right mindset will take a person much further than just having a skill, so I’m always interested in hearing people explain what really motivates them.

  • Podcast

    The Worst Rap Performance Cliches

    As artists who have played more shows then we can remember, it’s safe to say we’ve seen a lot of performance trends come and go. Some of these trends stick around in high esteem, while others get used so much that they eventually become cliches. In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth, we point out five performance trends that started out good but quickly got played out by rappers at their shows.

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  • Podcast

    Five Things That Happen When You Share Your Work

    Like most people who create, there comes a time when you have to take your craft out of the laboratory and into the public. For many people, this sharing process causes anxiety, so they avoid it. For others, the process of sharing is the catalyst to take their art to a higher level. In this episode, we speak about why sharing your work with other people is important and the five amazing things that happen when you share your work.

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    King No Crown Official Trailer

    I‘ve been speaking about my upcoming King No Crown film for months, so today is a day I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Here, my friends and fans, is the official trailer for my debut film, King No Crown, that I directed, edited, and scored:

    This film will be released on November 7th, 2017 on Weightless Recordings.

    You can preorder the King No Crown Film HERE.

    Here are the screening dates we’ve confirmed so far:

  • Podcast

    Phrases That Steal Your Power

    As children we would often say, “sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This saying has always served as a reminder that words can’t hurt us nearly as much as actions can. But what if we told you that your actions are being undermined by your words everyday and that using certain words and phrases is stopping you from achieving your goals? In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth, we break down a long list of common phrases that take our power away before we can even get started.

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