Worth a thousand words
Tucson Pictures
I was in Tucson Arizona the other night on The Family Tour. It’s a very pretty city, so I tried to walk around and take some pictures. Mostly of the city itself and not really the show or venue. If you’ve never been there, it’s hot, it’s beautiful, and the people are really nice.
Bozeman, MT Recap & Pics – To all my friends tour
Milwaukee, WI Recap & Pics – To All My Friends Tour
My first time headlining a show in Milwaukee was in 2005 right after 1988 came out. My dude Kid Cut Up brought me out and the show was dope. However, there was a lot of ruckus that night. From what I remember there were at least two girl fights, one near brawl with a dude that we knew that I had to calm down, and the dude working security was in a couple fights as well. I remember playing chess in the corner of the spot with a Russian chick to stay outta the way.
Well, its good to see that Milwaukee hasn’t changed.
Madison, WI Recap & Pictures – To All My Friends Tour
We left Columbus, Oh at 6am on Wednesday morning and got to Madison around 3pm.
The drive in itself wasn’t bad, but driving 9 hours off of 3 hours of sleep doesn’t make it any easier.
The show last night was at the Orpheum and it was sold out. I’m gonna guess between 1200-1500 kids there. They were still pouring in after Atmosphere had already hit the stage.
What the hell happened to my living room?
Electric Purgatory – Tour Edition Artwork
To continue with the theme of getting ready for tour, one decision I didn’t have a difficult time making was to bring a Greenhouse CD with me. Actually, I did have a hard time choosing between volume one and volume two, but then I decided to make it a double-cd and bring both–problem solved. As an opener on a tour like this they give you a set amount of merch you can bring (only x amount of t-shirts and only x amount of CDs), so you have to be very selective about it and bring what you think makes the most sense. In the past i had brought the Iron & Niacin and Vitamins & Minerals CDs, but this time around I’ve decided to make a special 2-CD version of the Electric Purgatory CDs, with completely different artwork and everything. I got a copy of the artwork last night and I think the graphic designer did an amazing job so I wanted to post the artwork:
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If you’ve got some time check out my dude’s design blog TheDigitalArmory. He’s a good dude and does really good work.
Word is Blog
More pics from “Radioinactive” video shoot
Well, we finally wrapped up shooting for the “Radioinactive” music video on Monday night. My job as a rapper is done, and now it is the hands of Bangland media to turn our vision into a reality, then turn that reality over to the good folks at Rhymesayers Entertainment. Here’s some a few more pics from the last part of the shoot for you all to check out. I’m pretty excited about this one getting finished.
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Word is blog
Pictures of the studio
Lately I’ve been wanting to get into photography more as a hobby. While I’m pretty new to it, I took a few that I’m happy with. Here’s a few pics of the studio taken with my Kodak Easyshare c613 camera (the ultra-cheap $100 joints). Click on the image to enlarge it, then click on it again to reduce it’s size:
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Pics from Blueprint “Radioinactive” music video shoot
As many of you know, the ball has officially started rolling for my sophomore solo album Adventures in Counter-Culture to be released very soon on Rhymesayers Entertainment. Part of that process involves shooting music videos, so last week the director Bangland Media (who directed, shot, and edited the “Cold Out Here” music video) started working on the video for a song called “Radioinactive”. On Monday we visited the Abstract Rude show and on Wednesday we visited the Eyedea & Abilities show to capture some cutaway footage for it. Some of you may have been there and may have seen the camera rollin while we were hanging out. On Sunday we shot some more inside stuff and I’m really happy with how everything’s starting to look so far.
We’re also shooting some footage inside as well, and here are a few screen shots:
Pics from “Cold Out Here” Video Shoot Day One
I haven’t blogged much the past few days because we’ve been busy preparing for and shooting a music video for the Greenhouse song “Cold Out Here” from the Electric Purgatory EP. The video will be premiered at 11pm during our free show this Saturday January 30th in Columbus OH @ Carabar. My friend Greg is directing/filming it and here are some quick shots:
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Pictures from the Electric Purgatory CD release party
Fresh pictures of the Greenhouse crew in action. All photos taken by Danielle Kline.
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. From there you can scroll left or right through the album.
Pictures from 6/3/09 show in Washington, DC
Here are a few of the pics from the DC show i played a couple weeks back taken by Oneviision. The show was good but next time I’m in DC I’ll definitely make sure Wale isn’t playing down the street at the same time. Tends to hurt turnout but all in all a good night. Shout out to my college homie John Burns for coming through in the clutch.
Word is blog.
They dont make em like this anymore (classic older joints)
Sophia Lauren
Final So What Wednesday Pics (Part One – By Ed Luna)
As many of you know last Wednesday was the final night of our weekly event So What Wednesday. Here are some pictures taken by Columbus resident and excellent photographer Ed Luna. He posted these on his facebook page and since they’re really good I figured I would repost them here. Enjoy!
DIY Shit
Finally got Illogic’s CDs in the mail today:
Already had the clear cd trays:
Got the artwork in the mail a few days ago:
Picked up the instrumental CDs from my dude Philly Phil this morning:
If you live in Columbus, hope to see you all out next friday. I’ll probably be working the merch table trying to sell these joints:
Word is blog.