• Blog

    Anxiety and Fires of the Mind


    I recently had a conversation with a good friend about sobriety. I’ve been sober for six years now, but my friend has had some struggles staying sober for longer than a year or so at a time.  It seems like every time they start getting some momentum towards a life without alcohol, something really stressful would happen that would push them into drinking again.

    This led us into a great discussion about what we both considered the main catalyst in our problems with alcohol–anxiety.

  • Podcast

    The Past, Present, and Future of Hip-Hop Fisticuffs

    To tell the truth, we’ve been trying to avoid talking about the news of Chris Brown and Soulja Boy agreeing to have a pay-per-view fight for a couple of weeks now, but another week has gone by with this story dominating the hip-hop news cycle. Even worse, more rappers are piling on and trying to follow their lead. What most people don’t remember is that this is not the first time this has happened in hip-hop. In this episode, we talk about the past, the present, and what we think is the future of rappers actually wanting to put on gloves and fight each other for money.

  • Blog

    How Kanye West and Donald Trump Changed Social Media Forever


    Earlier this year, we did an episode of the Super Duty Tough Work podcast titled The Ten Best and Worst Contributions of Kanye West.  One of the main topics we spoke about on this episode was West’s impact on social media.

    We pointed out that one of West’s bad contributions to the game was his emotional nature on twitter, which often comes off as counter-productive.  Even though most people can’t agree on whether he’s being sincere or just trolling to get reactions out of people, we all can agree that it does get him a lot of attention.

  • Audio

    The Art of Negotiation

    It would be an understatement to say that the weakness of most artists and creative people is the realm of business. In fact, it’s downright surprising to meet a creative person who is also on top of their business. This week, the most infamous podcast on planet earth dives deep into one aspect of business that is seldom talked about—the art of negotiation. If you are a bad negotiator or feel uneasy whenever it’s time to negotiate, look no further. We got you.

    Listen here:

  • Blog

    How I Learned to Love the Winter

    One of my most vivid childhood memories were long trips from Columbus, Ohio to rural Alabama where both of my parents grew up.  Back in those days, before all the major freeways were finished, it would take us forever to get there.  We would leave before the sun came up and we wouldn’t get there until the sun was going down.

  • Audio

    The Best of 2016

    Even though recording an hour-long podcast every week for a year takes a lot of discipline, the classic moments its created has made it all worth it. This week, the most infamous podcast, goes back through the vaults of the last year and pulls out our favorite moments of the past year. If this episode doesn’t bring a smile to your face, we don’t know what will. Let’s go!

  • News

    Super Duty Tough Work Makes Best of 2016 List

    In the immortal words of Biz Markie, “damn it feels good to see people up on it.”  My podcast, Super Duty Tough Work, co-hosted by Illogic has made the 5 Best Music Podcasts of 2016 by the Trebel blog.  Considering 2016 was our first full year doing it, it feels good to see people up on it. Check it out: 

  • Audio

    Knowing When To Let Go

    Whether it’s family, friendships, or romantic partners–relationships can be difficult. One of the main reasons for that difficulty is the balancing act of investing in others while trying to protect ourselves from decisions they make that we might not agree with. How do we know when to let go? When is the right time to back off and let people make their own decisions, even if we may not agree with those those decisions? We dive deep into that topic on this very personal episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth. We name five behaviors that prevent us from letting go and letting people live their own lives. It gets real in this one.

    Listen here:

  • Blog

    A Breakdown of My Writing Habits and Process


    I got a request a little while back about my writing process and wanted to take a quick second to go through it for all those who may be curious.  I’m not sure if there is anything that would be considered revolutionary in here, but I do think that some of this may be helpful to those who are interested in becoming more productive with their writing.

  • Audio

    The Difference Between Retiring and Quitting

    It almost goes without saying that the internet has created an environment where artists are blowing up faster than ever. This is seen as a positive thing, but the downside is that we now have more frustrated artists publicly retiring than ever before. And while they may use the word retire to describe their departure from the game, we wonder if many of them are actually quitting. In this episode, the most infamous podcast on planet earth discusses the difference between retiring and quitting, and tries to put an end to all the confusion.

    Listen here:

  • Blog

    People Don’t Know What They Want


    One of the most common feelings a creative person experiences is self-doubt. Even when you’re 95% confident you’re doing the right thing and making something good, there’s still that 5% that quietly questions everything.

    Self-doubt is inescapable sometimes.

  • Blog

    The High Price of Doing Too Much

    For several months in a row, I have had a feeing of uneasiness as it relates to my life. It wasn’t a constant feeling–I only felt it every now and then when I slowed down my work–but it was definitely there.

    The main reason I didn’t notice it was that I was busier than I had ever been in my career. Not only was my schedule full, but it was full of meaningful projects that I had an emotional connection to and was excited about working on.

    But something wasn’t right.

  • Blog

    Investing in Productivity


    I woke up today super excited and confident that today is going to be a good day.  Not because I actually have something concrete on the agenda, but because it’s the first day I’m really seeing the impact of a long overdue investment.