
Interviews and features.

  • Press

    Blueprint on the cover of The Columbus Alive Magazine

    If you live in Columbus, OH or the surrounding areas, please check out this weeks Columbus Alive magazine.  It’s free and it’s on newsstands all over the city.  Once you find it you will see a familiar face on the cover of it–that’s me.  It’s a huge honor and privilege to be selected to be on the cover of the biggest free publication in the city, something that not many artists can claim, as well as being on an issue that is so well done in it’s assessment of the local hip-hop scene in my hometown.  The piece is about the past, present, and future of the Columbus hip-hop scene and how far things have come over the years. Had to grab like 10 copies of this for my moms yo.

    If you would like to check out the on-line text of the articles, check out these links:

    Hip-hop in Columbus: Key moments
    Hip-hop in Columbus: Rap renaissance

    Hip-hop in Columbus: Where it’s at

    Word is blog

    Also, if you live in Columbus or the surrounding area, I’m headlining a show at Skullys on Friday July 29th. Playing with my friends Nick Tolford & Co. and Time & Temperature.  If you don’t know about this show, now you do.  This will be my last show in Columbus before going on tour for a couple more months so I hope you will make it out.

  • Press

    Blueprint featured on

    I posted this earlier this week on Twitter and Facebook, but some of you may have missed it.  Please check out this excellent feature that wrote about me and Adventures in Counter-Culture.  Covers everything you need to know about the album and the story behind it.

    Please take a second and check it out HERE

    Here’s a quick quote from the piece:

    “Back in the day,  A Tribe Called Quest, Ice Cube, [and] tons of people would kind of draw lines in the sand, where [Hip Hop was only if] you were sampling and you were rapping, but if you were actually playing something or you were singing, it wasn’t real Hip Hop. But I think it was just like a set of rules we had. Hip Hop is just being creative. It’s taking something out of its context and being creative. I think that’s the more important rule of what Hip Hop is. It’s all these genres that from the beginning were a part of it and expanding it, but I think at some point Hip Hop just became, I don’t want to say a parody of itself, but it definitely started becoming really insular, where like it was defined by everything that was before it as opposed to branching out and becoming something new and creative like it should have been, and I think I was subject to all those same rules that everyone else was –  trying to quote unquote “keep it real” when I think that as an artist, I was always capable of doing more.

    I also want to thank everybody that rated Adventures in Counter-Culture so highly on  They are one of the largest hip-hop websites on the net, so it’s great to see them show me some love and support!

    Word is Blog.

  • Press

    New Blueprint interview on


    New interview posted today on  Peep the exerpt:

    1. At what point did you realize music was what you wanted to do? I’m not sure if there was ever really a conscious decision about wanting to do music forever or anything like that. I come from a musical family and church, so music was always a part of my life in one way or another. When I started actually releasing music in the form of Greenhouse cassette tapes it was really only because I felt like we had to have something for sale before we actually played a show. At the time, I never really thought we would make any significant money off of it and I definitely never thought it would end up being a career for me. I just kind of went with the flow.