Please request “So Alive” on CD101 FM Columbus
If you live in the Columbus area, the radio station CD101 FM (now CD102.5) is probably pretty familiar to you. In an era of Radio One and Clear Channel radio monopolies, they remain one of the last truly independent radio stations in Columbus. Their format is alternative rock, but they also host specialty shows that range from the progressive Independent Playground, to the Sunday night Reggae show, and they also play hip-hop from time to time. CD101 FM has always been extremely supportive of the local music scene in Columbus, inviting artists on air (I’ve been several times), to throwing huge events and always booking local bands to open, to giving local artists radio play.
Basically they’re a shining example of what radio used to be like everywhere, and can still be.
Well, this week CD101 /102.5fm decided to add my single “so alive” to their daily rotation. This is a good look. In fact, this is a great look. But it is just that, a look. I’m a product of Weightless Recordings and Rhymesayers Entertainment–not Def Jam records, so there is no payola involved, no greasing of the wheels to get or maintain airplay–just some gutsy DJs taking a chance on my song, seeing if the people like it.
So here’s where you come in. YOU are the people. Therefore if this thing is gonna take off it will be because of you, so I would like to as a big favor: From where you are right now (you don’t even have to leave your comfortable seat), take about 10 seconds send a text message that says “request blueprint so alive” to CD101 FMs request number “68683”. If we can get enough requests then it might become more than just a look, and become a statement, an example of them giving a song a chance and the people backing it. So I hope you will join me and help keep “so alive” in rotation for a while. If you’ve picked up the album Adventures in Counter-Culture already, and wish more people could hear of it, this is a good opportunity to make that happen. Here’s the info:
telephone number: “68683”
text message: “request blueprint so alive”
That’s it. It only takes about 10 seconds, but if we can do it in strong enough numbers it can make a huge impression. Also, I realize that not everybody reading this is from Columbus, but that doesn’t mean you can’t participate too, so feel free to text in your request as well!
Feel free to drop me a comment after you do it.
Thanks in advance,
BLUEPRINTMy latest album Two-Headed Monster is out now. Order/Listen here HERE