My New Book is Finally Here!
Over a year ago, I set out to write a new book. I wanted that book to be a reflection of the topics and approach we take every week on my podcast Super Duty Tough Work. In other words, I wanted to write a book that helped artists understand how to be better artists. Whereas my first three books were about me and my career as an artist, I didn’t want this book to be about me–I wanted it to be about helping others. And while it took me over a year to get right, I’m happy to say that my new book is here.
Preorders for my new book, The 10 Traits of Successful Hip-Hop Artists, have officially started today on weightless.net. In the book I break down the careers of many hip-hop legends and explain how certain traits that had nothing to do with talent were key to their success. I also explain how to develop each trait that I cover in the book. If you are a fan of hip-hop or just a fan of reading, then you’ll dig this book. I’m super proud of how it came out.
My goal was to take you on a journey and inspire you. I believed I’ve achieved that. I hope that you will support me by preordering your signed copy HERE. Orders ship on Thursday October 8th and we’ve got preorder packages that include everything from signed posters, signed books, stickers, blueprint bookmarks, and hoodies. I worked so hard on this book and I can’t wait for y’all to read it.
Preorder link: https://bit.ly/10TraitsBook
Thanks for your support,
My latest album Two-Headed Monster is out now. Order/Listen here HERE