
Fort Worth Texas Recap

Last night, there were not many people at the show, but by far it was the most memorable night of the tour…

We sold a good amount of merch despite the small turn out. Which is good because i dont think the show itself made any money thru the door.

The bartendress liked me, and proceeded to buy me shots all night long.  I think i got up to 9-10 but she told me it was only 6-7. I dont know who to believe as she admitted she was previously an alcoholic who could do 20 shots of henny a night. she also admitted having fucked up her liver and her doctor told her she couldnt drink, but she did anyways.

This dude who looked like norm peterson from cheers rolled in. he had a mustache though.  he was like “man, i’ve had a fucked up week, so i’m gonna get fucked up.” and i said “cool brotha, i’m right there with you”.  dude’s name was Todd.  Todd asked me if i could make sure he got home ok since he lived only a block away and i said i would make it happen. The bartender told me that last time he was in there his tab was $200 and only $30 was for himself.  Todd proceeded to buy me, raregroove, and killah priest, and even some random chick drinks galore.

shit was great. todd was the man. he got dumped by a chick he took to cancun and spent two grand on. she found somebody else and he was the typical niceguy, getting shitted on.  so basically, me and Todd were looking like best friends last night.

shit was awesome. the bartender wanted to do me.  i was more drunk than i’ve ever been.

raregroove sold more cds than all of us. shit was wild all around.  the people i met were great though, so thanks ft. worth.

it kind of reminded me of dayton, but in texas. i might have to come back.


My latest album Two-Headed Monster is out now.  Order/Listen here HERE