• Podcast

    The Most Overused Words in Hip-Hop

    While it’s fair to assume that mainstream rap artists don’t have the widest vocabulary in hip-hop, nothing could prepare us for the results of a new study that was just published on the topic. A new study compares the vocabulary of hundreds of rappers and breaks down which words are used the most in hip-hop. The results will probably surprise you about as much as they surprised us. In this episode of the most infamous podcast, we discuss the results of this list and what we would like to see changed about it.

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  • Podcast

    The Pitfalls of Promotion

    What does it take to throw a successful live event? As artists who came up in an era where we had to book our own venues and promote the majority of our own events, we’ve had our fair share of successes and failures in this department. In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth we share the ten lessons we learned and explain what the common mistakes are so you can avoid them. That way you can get more people in the door and not lose your pants. Word!

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  • Podcast

    The Downside of Success

    Although we often have conversations about what it takes to be successful, very rarely do we speak about what happens once you get there. The common belief is that success is a completely positive experience, but those who have had any level of success have seen that isn’t the case. In this episode, we speak about ten bad things that come along with success that nobody will tell you when you’re trying to make a name for yourself and fighting your way to the top of your field.

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  • Podcast

    The Biggest Mistakes in Building a Team

    One of the most important factors in being successful is surrounding yourself with people who can help you accomplish your dream. Building a strong team isn’t easy, but there is no limit to what you can accomplish with the right people in place. While we are no experts on this topic, we do have some valuable information about the mistakes we made along the way. These tips will save you a lot of time, energy, and most importantly a lot of money. Shout out to Flawed Logic on Twitter for the inspiration. Let’s go!

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  • Podcast

    The Worst Rap Performance Cliches

    As artists who have played more shows then we can remember, it’s safe to say we’ve seen a lot of performance trends come and go. Some of these trends stick around in high esteem, while others get used so much that they eventually become cliches. In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth, we point out five performance trends that started out good but quickly got played out by rappers at their shows.

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  • Podcast

    Five Things That Happen When You Share Your Work

    Like most people who create, there comes a time when you have to take your craft out of the laboratory and into the public. For many people, this sharing process causes anxiety, so they avoid it. For others, the process of sharing is the catalyst to take their art to a higher level. In this episode, we speak about why sharing your work with other people is important and the five amazing things that happen when you share your work.

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  • Podcast

    Phrases That Steal Your Power

    As children we would often say, “sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This saying has always served as a reminder that words can’t hurt us nearly as much as actions can. But what if we told you that your actions are being undermined by your words everyday and that using certain words and phrases is stopping you from achieving your goals? In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth, we break down a long list of common phrases that take our power away before we can even get started.

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  • Podcast

    Why Rappers Don’t Wanna Grow Up

    If there’s one thing we’ve noticed about Jay Z’s “4:44” album it’s that, love it or hate it, it’s making people talk. One of the things it’s making people talk about is getting older and more mature. While we like to see those kinds of things, a whole lot of rappers were personally offended by the album and felt the need to speak out. Why? Probably because they don’t want to think about growing up. In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth, we break down exactly why it is that rappers don’t want to grow up to explain why they’re so in their feelings about Jay Z’s lyrics.


  • Podcast

    The Importance of Telling Your Story

    What separates people who are able to gain and maintain the attention of the public from those who cannot? Is it technical skill? Is it great publicity? Is it connections? Those are all important, but if there’s one quality that successful creative people have, it’s their ability to tell their story. In this episode, we do a case study on a masterful use of story-telling from the music industry that many people may not have noticed, to show why it’s so important that artists be able to tell their story. Let’s go!

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  • Podcast

    The Six Benefits of Being Early

    If there’s one thing we’ve realized during our travels across the country to perform in various cities and venues, it’s that very rarely do events run on schedule. Part of this is because most of the people involved are late themselves, which causes a domino effect. Why are people late all the time? There are many reasons, but our belief is that people are late because they haven’t really experienced the benefits that come along with being early. This week the most infamous podcast dives deep into the six benefits of being early that might make people change their ways if they understood.

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  • Podcast

    How Managers Choose Talent

    Although most creative people are always in the hunt for management and personnel to help them accomplish their dreams, very few stop to ask themselves what management is looking for in the talent they choose to work with. In this episode, the most infamous podcast on planet earth speaks to a friend of the podcast April Kulscar who is an artist manager to identify exactly what managers are looking for in talent. Lots of jewels in this one.

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  • Podcast

    Dealing With Rejection

    Although we are often told stories of success and conquest from people we see around us, we are rarely told about the other side of the coin, which is rejection. The problem with this lack of discussion about rejection is that it leaves many of us unfamiliar with how to deal with it. In this episode we talk about having your creative work get rejected and what to do when it happens.

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    The High Price of Free Work

    In an industry where the internet has caused prices of every product and service to drop tremendously due to more competition, getting things for free seems to be the next logical step. In fact, the internet has dropped prices of things so much that many people now get upset when something isn’t free. But what is the cost of receiving and expecting free things all the time? In this episode of the most infamous podcast on planet earth we discuss the hidden costs of expecting and accepting free work from people.

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  • Podcast

    Rules That Help Producers

    A couple of weeks ago we did an episode called “Rules That Hurt Producers” where we talked about ten unspoken rules that hurt hip-hop producers. This week the most infamous does a follow up to that episode and show the other side of the coin by talk about ten rules that actually help producers. If you dug the first part of this two-part series, you will dig this one. Big shout-out to our fan who suggested this topic.

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  • Podcast

    The How and Why of Making Music Videos

    This week a music video directed by Blueprint, produced by DJ Criminal, and featuring Illogic will be released. As a collaboration between people who live on other sides of the globe, this project shows the potential of collaboration and the importance of music videos in artistry and promotion. This week the most infamous podcast dives deep into the how and why of music videos breaking down this process for those interested. This topic comes at the suggestion of one of our listeners but is right on time.

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